Sunday, August 22, 2010

City Busses...Small Town Girl

This week has been great. =) well, every week has been great here so far actually! Yay! I've been here three weeks. Wow. Already three weeks. It's funny, because before I left the US, back before I was excited to leave, a whole year seemed like SUCH a long time. Now it feels like it won't be enough!!!!!!! Haha anywayz, ON TO BUSINESS =P

I have been very successful at navigating myself to the bus station ever since my little incident =P it's really not that hard once you know the right way. I like it, it's a nice little walk. The only thing I hate is that at the end of school I'm usually starving and I have to pass this delicious looking pizzaria on the way. (yes! They do have Italian food! And Chinese, and mexican, and even Thai I heard. Even though I hvent tried any haha) so I walk past that everyday and start drooling. It's bad. And also, in the bus station there is a little quickie mart that has food and stuff. I would go in there to buy something, but the language barrier bothers me. All I can do is ask in English still haha. But I'm working on that =)

Ummm...Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty normal days I think. On wednesday at school we had a 'morning show'. It's between my first and second class and it's for like 10-15 minutes. They do this every Wednesday morning I hear. Well the whole school gathers together in the middle part that is as big as an auditorium but looks like a cafeteria, and a lot of kids gather on the second floor above that looking over the balcony-ish things. Pretty much they can play music or do something funny. I heard that it was all about making fun of people and having fun. So yay =)

Nothing happened Thursday I don't think...I think I passed out on the bus ride home haha but that's all =P

Friday! Was a good day. The weekend was here and we all got out of schoo early =D yay! So me and Stephanie (from LA) had planned to go shopping at the mall in Næstved. I was soooooo excited for this. So we got out of school and she had to do something with her class for like half an hour so I just chilled out and listened to music. Then she found me and we sat together for awhile just chatting and eating. She made some cookies that she 'messed up' so she let me benefit =D haha we left for the bus station (not getting lost by the way) and had to wait there for like half hour for the bus that goes to the mall. On the bus we both paid 8 kr. and sat down. Then Stephanie counted her change. 10 kr. short. NOOOOOO. After counting it about 20 times we decided to talk to the driver at our stop. We were both laughing histerically about this. Well, I was at least hahaha. At our stop steph tried to reason in Danish. And guess what, the bus driver answered her in DANISH! so then, seeing we weren't getting anywhere, I busted out my English =) eventually we left the bus with her 10 kr. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, cuz not. But that could buy her an ice cream!!

So at the mall we walked around for a loooooong time. Just talking and looking. It was great =) it kills me how expensive some stuff is, but that's normal and I'll just have to get used to it. We walked by this one store and saw the sales table outside the store. There were jeans on it. For ONLY 100 kr!!!! That is crazy cheap for jeans. Too bad the only sizes were WAY too small for us =( but then we noticed the rest of the table was buy 2 for 150 kr!!! Super sale!!! We picked up a bunch of stuff =D after some difficultly in finding proper sizes and colors, we both walked out of the store with a dress! Our first Danish clothing purchase =) and the sales girl was really nice. She spoke English to us when we told her we didn't speak Danish yet. She helped us out a lot. It was great.

We eventually realized it would probably be a good thing to figured when the bus comes. So we walked out and went by the street by the stop. There was no schedule, just a bus stop sign. So we stood there for like half an hour or more just waiting for a bus to drive by. Then we saw that a bus had pulled into the mall parking lot. We watched this happen 3 more times. See, we didt want to leave the bus stop because we both new, that as soon as we got far enough away, the bus would come. But after watching the third bus go into the lot i made a decision. We left for that bus. We had gotten about 100 meters away and GUESS WHAT! yep...the bus pulled up to the stop we had just been at, and it left. We KNEW that would happen. We both bust up laughing soooo much. It was hilarious. And Stephanie threatened to kill me. Haha but RUNNING, we caught the other bus in the parking lot. So that was good.

Then we made it back to the station. Stephanies parents were coming to get her. I was taking the bus home. No biggie right? Wrong. I missed a bus. And there wasn't another one for 2 hours ^_^ yea. I don't have much luck here. Haha but! I eventually made it home =D safe and sound

On Saturday me, and my parents went to århus to his sisters 50th birthday party. Eh. It was ok. Like, it was exciting and happy, but it's weird to not talk to anyone in the room because we literally can't communicate. But! At the beginning of the party it was soooooo funny! The birthday girl is a part if some square dancing club so, you guessed it, they square danced for us!! (they have it in Europe! I couldn't believe it) and after the pros did it, they each broke off and found a partner in the crowd. Then another one with the club. Then the amateurs got a chance again. Haha yes. I did it. ^_^ and I sucked. Not really haha the calling was in English which was awesome I think. But I had problems with the spinning part. Everything else was great =D hilarious. Yes.

And today I'm leaving for my intro camp with the other exhange students in the country!!!! Yay!! My first train ride =D I can't wait. It's going to be lots of fun this week.


I can't remember right now =P so I'll write again when I get home!!!

Love, Rebekah


  1. Hey , How much Kr is to one dollar?

  2. Hey! i didn't get an email about this one missy!! Haha welll it sounds like you're having fun. Math is going to be so different this year without you! But luckily i have Mr. Hanna again :D

  3. I was kinda thinking the same thing lol

    And Bekah the whole bus thing WOULD happen to you. And me XD

    OMG remember when we tried on dresses in Maurices because there was NOTHING else to do? haha good times :)
