Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh, By the Way...

So i know it’s been a few weeks, again. My bad! Haha but here it goes. Catch up, AGAIN!

So the week after my last post, I had a really good week. I went to Rotary and had a nice conversation with my first host dad in Danish. I think that was the most we’ve ever felt comfortable enough saying to each other. So it was kind of weird. I wish we had talked like that when I actually lived there, but better late than never, right? =) so then the rest of the week kid of flew by pretty much. That weekend, the last weekend in January, I had my 18th birthday party, finally! =) see, I couldn’t have it during the month of December because it was just way too busy, so I decided to wait. I had some girls from my class over and Stephanie. The other exchange girls couldn’t come because the girl from France was having a special dinner which they were invited to as well. So they went to the dinner and I had my close classmates over. It was really nice. We were 6 in all because a few called at the last minute and said they were sick. =( but it was still really fun. We ate pancakes with ice cream and watched some movies. Very hyggelig guys! And that was the end of my week =D o, I should also mention how dumb of a person I am…yea. I really am, and if you know me, you’ll agree! I say this because of this: my parents have been telling me for awhile now that I need to buy some knee pads if I’m going to continue to play volleyball at the school. So knowing that a game was coming up the following week, I went into town on Friday and found some in the second sports store I checked and bought them. They were pretty cheap too, so I was really happy =) after that, I had to go to the supermarket to buy some things so I could make dinner that night. I picked up the foods I needed and went and checked out. Now, here in denmark you have to bag your own things at stores that aren’t department stores. So I was bagging up my groceries and I picked them up and I noticed a white bag sitting on the counter. I literally thought this to myself “aw, some poor sucker forgot their bag. I shouldn’t look into it, it would be rude.” And I left the store… -_- yes, I think you can all see where this is going! That night as me and my family were watching a handball match and here is my exact line of thought: I was thinking that it must really hurt to fall on their knees so much. They should really wear some knee pads. I’m so happy I bought some knee pads today at the store. Jee, I wonder where I put them? O.MY.GOODNESS I LEFT THEM AT THE STORE!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I did it. That ‘poor sucker’ was me. Needless to say, I felt like junk the rest of the night. My only option that I settled on was to go back to the store on Monday and ask if they found them. And then Saturday my girlfriends came over =)

The next week was also very good. I was looking forward to the big school party on Friday all week! So I got through all of school, which was hard, and made it =) I started off my week by going to that store on Monday and seeing if they found my knee pads. I just had this horrible feeling the whole day that they wouldn’t have them and I’d be out good money. So I went in and stood in line and asked the lady, in danish mind you, if anyone had found my bag. She then proceded to lay it on the counter! I’ve never been so happy in my life! Like seriously. After I left the store I walked over to my bus stop and literally made it just in time. Monday was the best day ever. Epic wins on so many levels =D the rest of the week is rather dull compared to that though haha on Thursday I had my first, and probably only, volleyball game with Næstved Gym. We were exactly 6 girls and we went with our boys’ team and played at this tournament at another school in the city. It was so much fun. I love playing volleyball <3 we played against 4 teams. And all of them but one were very inexperienced. We beat all of them except that one team. I would love a rematch! And then Friday rolled around! Finally!!!!!! Fiday school was blah, but then Friday night, the school came alive. We all met up at my one friend’s house and ate some pizza before taking a taxi to the school. There was some famous dj that was playing for us I guess? No idea. His name is morten breum. Look him up if you want. But it was just a killer party. Same as the last school party: everyone was completely hammered. I’ve been in denmark for 6 months now, part of you gets used to this, but the other part is still like ‘and the school is really ok with this?’ =P I’m so american. But anywayz, all in all, it was a super fun time. I had fun with all my friends <3

The week after that was really boring. On Monday I didn’t go to school because I gave a presentation about USA at my host dad’s school. It went well. I hadn’t even left the school yet and I was receiving facebook requests. That means they liked me, right? =P on Tuesday I had only one class at school, and in all honesty, I should have just skipped. That was such a bad day of school. I hadn’t had one like that in awhile. Just a horrible day. Ugh! I hate thinking about it. But it was. The day after that though, that was a just plain awesome day. It evened out all the junk that had happened the day before. I had some really great conversations with a few friends and, I don’t know, it just felt like an amazing day. It was one of those days where it hit me of how happy I am in denmark. I was riding the bus to school and just looking out the window thinking about life and I was thinking about all the junk I should fix in my life and how happy I was to live here. Really, Wednesday was an awesome day. I need more of those =D nothing on Thursday happened. But on Friday I had an absolute horrible day again. I don’t want to go into details, but me and one of my good friends had an argument at the party on the last Friday, and it was all just coming to a head on this Friday. It really was all my fault, I instigated it all. But it still felt horrible. We decided we weren’t going to see each other for a bit to ‘cool down’ and ‘get over’ what happened. =( yea that was really hard to hear, but it’s gotta happen. I hope that I didn’t screw everything up and ruin a 6 month growing friendship in just a matter of hours. And then another friend decided to bail on going to town with me for an hour or so. And then I was almost stranded at the bus station after coming back into town that night…so yea, like I said, Friday was bad =P but Friday night was good! Well, I mean, AFTER I was able to be picked up from the bus station by poliana’s nice host gpa. I had forgotten to bring money with me to take the bus to another girl’s house because I don’t need money to get from my house to the city, I just show a card. So I was scared and tempted to beg for money for a bit, but then I got picked up! So it was good =D so! me and the other exchange girls from the school got together and linda’s house. Linda is from germany. Steph couldn’t come to this one because she left for the week to go to london. And one of the 2 new girls we got couldn’t come because no one knew how to reach her to invite her =P so it was 6 of us! Ruby- new zealand, Apolline- france, Linda- germany, Poliana- brazil, me, and Beckie- new girl from new zealand. It was tons of fun. I love those girls with my whole heart. Going to miss them so much =’( I made some amazing homemade brownies for this night. And by amazing, I mean AH-mazing. Haha and we just hung out and ‘hygged’ and watched some movies. It was great. We are planning to do more of those. =D

And now, this week, I have no school because it is winter break =D I am missing my best friend stephanie because she is in london this week with her mom. I hope she’s having fun. I will be posting a new blog post about all the things I do this week later =) so this one is so long =P lots to say! Questions and comments people. You know I’ll answer you <3 and keep up with my shutterfly site if you’re not on facebook. Lots of fun things to see there =D

Much love!

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