Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Break...Houston, We Have a Probelm

This past week was winter break =D it’s been an awesome week really. It was so nice to be free from school for a little while. Very relaxing. So let me tell you what I’ve been up to =D

On Monday, I hung out with my classmate, Phillip. We were planning on working out together (I’ve really got to lose this flub-thing) so we planned on working out outside because I didn’t want to pay an arm and a leg for the gym =P so I took the bus into town. Problem. we both realized that it was FREEZING outside. Not the best for anything. So we ditched the whole working out plan and just went back to his house for a bit to hang. Now people, don’t get any funny ideas. He’s my friend and he’s got a girlfriend ^_^ but it was fun to talk a lot. And after awhile we decided to just go into town because he had some errands to run, so we got all that done =) then I headed home about 5 I think? I don’t remember. But this was the start of my excellent vacation!

On Tuesday I met with one of our 2 ‘newbies’. She’s from Costa Rica, and her name is Alex. She is such a sweet girl. I met her at the school then we walked to town and enjoyed a nice hot chocolate together =D we did a lot of talking. Just about my experiences so far and how she’s doing in her first weeks here. Great stuff really. So then after we finished our hot chocolate I decided to take her to the mall since she hadn’t been there yet. So we hopped on the bus and off we went! We did some shopping at my favorite store H&M. I didn’t find anything that fit me right or that I liked. But alex bought a skirt and shirt. She’s just the sweetest girl. I feel like a big sister in a way because I was her just a few months ago, you know? But anywayz, I hope to be hanging out with her some more soon. After the mall I took her back to the school so she wouldn’t get lost. Problem. I got us on the wrong bus, so we had to jump off really fast and run to catch the right bus. Haha so much for trying to not get her lost =P then I headed home =)

Wednesday! I had plans for Wednesday to go into town with some friends =) so that I did! We planned to go to one of the clubs in Næstved that was having one of their special parties for 16+ kids. Normally you need to be 18 to get in, but since it was during the winter break it was a special thing. So I had to hop on the bus at night to head into town. I do NOT relish taking the busses at night. Freakiest thing in the world. I mean, I know I’m safe and all, but still, I’m a young lady alone, things spook me. But I made it to town safely =) the only problem was that I had to wait at the bus station alone for a little bit while my friends came to get me. SCARIEST THING EVER. I was outside, alone, freezing my butt off. And there were sporadic groups of people that I was sure were going to jump me at any time =P but hey, I eventually made it safely to the club with my friends. It was a good night. We danced and had a lot of fun. I met some new people which is always a good thing. O, and I called the bartender sexy…in hindsight, I think that was still a great choice =P so then the end of my night came at around 2 because that’s when my host dad was coming to pick me up. So I went out to the front of the club to retrieve my checked coat. Problem. I didn’t have my check in number. Somehow during the night, my number must have fallen out of my little bag that I had with me. So I was in trouble. No number, no coat. Yea. Guys, I am an idiot. I think I’ve proven this one before =P so I had to walk out of the club with no winter coat and explain to my host dad what happened. I said I’ll just have to come back tomorrow to get it.

So I stayed in all morning on Thursday and then I looked online to see when I could get my coat. Problem. It said I can only get my coat when the club was open. Which is every Friday and Saturday at 11 at night. Wow. So I had to wait ANOTHER day to get my WINTER coat. I could freeze to death!!! So yea, I stayed inside all day Thursday and hung out, watched some movies. It was a cozy day.

On Friday I had to go into town to buy some food to make dinner. Problem. Didn’t have my winter coat yet, so I put on my thickest hoodie and braved the cold winter air. Haha it wasn’t too bad, but it was definitely cold. So I went to the store and the library. I actually went to the library first and THEN the store, but you know, it doesn’t really matter. I got 4 new books =D and I made some amazing macaroni and cheese that night. Like to die for mac ‘n’ cheese. I’m amazing, what can I say =D haha just kidding. So then that night me and my host dad headed out to get my coat back at 11 at night. I was able to successfully retrieve it! =D so that made me really happy.

On Saturday I was just planning to stay home again and relax. But at about 8 at night I got a text from one of my friends asking when we were going to town tonight..wait, what? We’re going to town tonight?? Yea, I had no clue what was going on, so we talked a little and he thought that he had already talked to me about going to town, and so then I decided that I really wanted to go out. I hate admitting it, but I’m not often invited out to such things, so I don’t want to pass up any opportunity that’s given to me. So I went down stairs and asked my host parents if it was ok that I go out that night. Problem. They could neither take me to town (I live 30 minutes away by bus, 15 by car), nor could they pick me up later. But we managed to compromise that if I could sleep at a friend’s house then it was ok. So I told my friend and we found a place for me to sleep the night =) then I got ready and headed into town by bus, alone and cold, at 10.30 at night. Scary scary scary. ^_^ it wasn’t that bad this time around because my friend Jonas arrived a few minutes after I did and we got on a bus and headed out. He decided that we were going to go to his friend’s private party instead of going to town. That was ok with me =) I met a bunch of people that night and had a lot of fun. I just love being social with Danish people. O and I met this boy, and he’s MY SIZE!!! Like literally my size! The most adorable guy ever! Seriously,! hahaha I should explain, it’s not often I find anyone, boy or girl, in my size in Denmark. Here they are all pretty much giants. =P not even joking about that one. For a guy, 6 ft is average, maybe even a little below average. And for a girl the average is at least 5 ft 8. I’m super small here. And some people love pointing it out ^_^ but anywayz, yea haha great night. Great party. I went home with a friend and stayed at their house for the night. I think we got in sometime after 4? No idea. I just went to bed right away and slept =P I woke up at noon and got on a bus and headed home the next day =D

And now, school has started again -_- yea, great. I will be posting soon on how things are going here. With friends. With family. With school. With Danish. So stay tuned my faithful readers =D thanks for everything! Questions are always welcome <3

Knus og kys,

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