Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Strawberry Fields

=) welcome back to my adventures in the lands of Danes!

So like I said, last week went down pretty much how I said it would. Rotary meeting on Monday, volleyball on Tuesday and Thursday. I did not, unfortunately get to hang out with René, but I think maybe I’ll get over that.

Last week was also murderous in regards to school. I went a FULL day every day last week except for Tuesday when I had a late start. Horrible. =P Danish school is, in my opinion, just BLAH. There really isn’t much I can say about it that I haven’t already said. It’s boring with a capital B. I feel bad for my class, actually. Apparently Danish schools are known for their group work, and they are split off into groups for nearly every single assignment. I find this rather silly. I don’t think it’s more productive. You just talk and don’t do the assignment half of the time. So this is why I feel sorry for my class. See, the groups I get paired with are an equal number with the other groups, but they are playing a man down so to speak. It’s like playing a game of baseball and one of the players has no arms. That player can stand there and look nice and all, but when it comes time to play, they are pretty useless. Yea, that’s me! Haha another thing I really don’t like is the fact that we may only have a max of 4 classes a day, but those classes are 1½ hours long with maybe only a 5 minute break sometimes. I don’t feel like the class gets more done than a normal 55 minute class would back home. I just think they go about it slower, and the fact that the group work takes up some time also adds up. But it’s their system, and they think it works for them. In the long run, I will never complain about a 55 minute class again. ^_^ but I’ve have 3 hour long classes at the college before, so this isn’t new to me. It’s just that I have nothing to do but listen to music or read in most of the classes that’s different. Not so fun anymore. =/ --END RANT

Rotary is going just like it always does: slowly. Haha hey, I love my rotary club. They are some super nice people. And they love having me here, I hope. We can speak together in almost fluent Danish. But mind you, it’s fluent Danish on about a child’s level =P BUT! Danish nonetheless. I’m completely satisfied with that.

Tuesday was volleyball. The first practice back after the Christmas break. And o, was it horrible. I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve played THAT horribly. A long time. I guess I just need to get back onto the horse, as they say. Anyway! Haha so Wednesday was just school. Blah. Nothing fun happened that I can recall. Then Thursday I had volleyball practice again. I played better this time around, so I went home feeling not like a failure =P that’s always nice. I was completely sore all last week though from practice. It hurt to walk down the stairs. And that’s not good when you have to go up and down the stairs for EVERY class. But I tried to suck it up and take it like a man. Haha we are going to have a game soon I think. That’s so exciting! I can’t wait. I just need to find some knee pads, cuz man, my knees are torn to shreds. Bruises everywhere. Not so fun. But at least it’s winter and I’m not very concerned with how my legs look right now =P Friday was a good day. Fridays are always good, I mean, it’s FRIDAY! We always get out early on Fridays, so that’s another reason it’s so great. So on Friday I was going to hang out with René, but plans changed when he got a surprise job the day before. No joke, he said they went on a class trip to this place, he talked to some people, they liked him, and then on Friday was his ‘test run’. These people move fast. ^_^ so it sucked that we didn’t get to hang, but no biggie. =)

O, I forgot to mention, but on Thursday night, my host mom’s brother and his son came to visit us from the Farroe Islands. (long story, but they are some islands that Denmark owns, and are a plane ride away, and there is really nothing out there, and they don’t speak Danish, they have their own language, but they are owned by Denmark. So it’s kind of like Greenland, but WAY smaller) ANYWAYZ, so they came for a visit because there was a conference in town and they were going to that, so they stopped here for the weekend and stayed with us. Wow. So they came on Thursday and stayed until Sunday morning. Did I mention I thought the son was cute? Yea, he was! So on Thursday when they came and we ate together I was secretly eyeing him at the table, what 18 year old girl WOULDN’T do that? ^_^ but then it got late, so I went to bed. And on Friday I got up before them all to catch my bus like always. 6.30 in the morning. -_- but that’s not important. When I got home Friday, it was just me and maria for awhile, so I told her I thought he was cute. She said she used to think so too when she was younger, but then she found out he was her cousin’s husband… =O WHAT?!?!?!? That’s right ladies and gentlemen. I had mistaken the son-IN-LAW for the actual son. He’s married, he’s almost 30, and he’s got 3 kids. Wow. I sure can choose them huh. ^_^ please don’t judge me, how was I supposed to know! Haha it’s actually pretty funny. =P needless to say, Friday and Saturday were spent trying to figure out how someone who looks like they’re 19 could actually be 28. Mind blowing.

On Saturday I went with a family from my club to their son’s “boarding school”. (this is the same family I went to see Mamma Mia with in Copenhagen.) at this school they have a musical every year, and so they asked if I would like to come along with them and see it. Of course I said yes. This family has been so nice to me, I knew it would be fun. So we went. The school is about an hour away, so not too bad. The musical was called ‘Strawberry Fields’, and it was laced with Beatles’ music. I couldn’t tell you what the actual plot of the play was, the acting wasn’t that good, but the music was done very well =) they played somewhere from 10-20 Beatle’s songs, including ‘revolution’ ‘blackbird’ ‘strawberry fields’ and ‘hey jude’, and they sounded great. They have some real musical talent there. It was fun =) we had some cake and coffee during the break (what do you call it? I can’t remember…INTERMISSION! Maybe???) så det var meget dejligt! (it was very delightful)
After that I just came home and spent a late night with the family. Always fun =) maria and I have such a great time together. She’s the best little sister ever. I love how we’ve become like real sisters. I’m going to miss her so much. But I’m already planning for her to come see me in the US.

Sunday was relax day! Love it. I laid around the house all day. What a great way to end the weekend =)

I’m going to blog about this week soon! Some fun stuff is coming up that y’all should know about =DDD please keep reading. Keep praying. And for pete’s sake, write me some snail mail people! Show me the love! Haha just cuz I’m over here doesn’t mean I’ve dropped off the face of the earth. If you love me, or care about me in any way, if you’re my friend, I expect a letter from you soon. <3 message me for the address!

Love you all. Keep posted on my shutterfly account. There are tons of cool photos and some funny videos. I’ll be adding more soon. So for those of you without a facebook, I hope you’re checking =)

Take care! Rebekah

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