Sunday, January 9, 2011

I suffer from short term memory loss. It runs in my family... At least I think it does...

Hi again =) thanks for reading. Once again, I’d like to thank you faithful readers with a reward! The FIRST person to tell me which movie my title comes from will get something Danish in the mail at some point of my exchange. Play fair, children =) no googling, you have to just KNOW which movie it comes from. But it shouldn’t be too hard..

Ok, this post will be primarily about November. Or, what I can remember about November that is =P come on, it was a good 2 months ago! So let me try to remember. Haha this is not in chronological order, by the way ;)

From what I do remember, November was a boring month. I went to a basketball practice after quitting 2 years ago. It was probably one of the worst experiences of my life to go back haha. Yea, I’m NOT a basketball player. Or fan. ^_^ so I went to one practice, and apparently that automatically signed my name in blood to play at a tournament in Copenhagen. Woo hoo…but I wouldn’t have to actually play until December, so that’s ok.

Then, the worst part of the WHOLE month. It decided to start snowing. Right before thanksgiving. I swear we got like a foot of snow at one time. It was so cold =( and everyone happily assured me that this was completely abnormal even for Denmark. Greattttttt, I picked a bad year to come apparently haha.

O, and by the way, I forgot about thanksgiving. ^_^ yes, I did. Haha I thought it was a week sooner than it actually was, and then I saw on facebook that I FORGOT ABOUT IT!!! But I guess it’s ok. Nothing special happened on that night. Except! I got to see my first American football game since arriving in Denmark. I don’t remember the teams that were playing, I didn’t favor either side, but it felt sooooooooo good to watch again =D yes I’m a girl, and yes I’m a huge football fanatic =D I love it. O, I have a story. I was with a guy friend at lunch one day and we were talking about football. And he doesn’t know anything about the game, like the rules or anything. And here’s a quote from him on that day of lunch: “So I’m just supposed to watch it and enjoy it? How am I supposed to know when they get a homerun and why that happened?” I nearly dyed laughing. I then proceeded to explain to him that homeruns were in baseball. He doesn’t know much about baseball either, I guess =P

November was an exceptionally frustrating month for me. I had to figure out a lot about colleges and scholarships. Not fun from so far away from home. I went back and forth on a lot of things. I went from wanting to repeat this year in high school when I go back, to attending a community college when I go back, to attending a university. I’m going to be honest here, I applied for a total of 3, count ‘em, THREE! colleges back a few months. That probably sounds super irresponsible to a lot of you guys, but there weren’t really ANY colleges that I knew much about. So I applied to a few colleges that looked good just so I could say I applied. I was actually all for going to the community college in Newport for the longest time. That’s kind of changed now. In November I really fell in love with a college and set my heart on going there. It’s a small private college in Salem, OR. Luckily, or more like by Providence, this was one of the few colleges that I originally applied to. I started reading a lot about it. I started emailing a rep. I just absolutely want to go to this school. But in November I finally found out about the price tag. Way too much. More than I can afford. So it was really frustrating. I started looking at the other college I applied to. It looks good too, but it’s all the way back in Nebraska. And I just don’t feel like going back there. It’s so far away. But it’s a cheaper school, so I’ve kept it on my options. And guess what? I got my very first acceptance to that school =D my first acceptance letter. It was such a great feeling. Not my number one choice, but it’s great to have options! I actually don’t hear from my first choice college in November, or December. They are still missing a certain item from my application that I needed someone else to fill out for me. Which I repeatedly asked a person to do this for me, but I guess this person was too busy. It’s ok, I found someone else that was willing to help me. (a little bitterness? Only a little)

I went on a trip to Copenhagen with my danish class during November. It was so much fun =D we walked all around the city. But guess what happened to me! I was walking down the street and I saw someone I knew! I saw Jonathan, an exchange student from Sweden that was in Oregon last year. Wow small world! So we stopped and talked for a little bit before I almost lost my class and ran to catch up with them. This completely made my day. It was so crazy. What are the odds…the rest of the trip went on really well. Stephanie and Bryan, an oldie AFSer from New Zealand, were able to crash some kind of comic con. And that just made their trip the best ever haha. Then we packed up on a train and headed home. At last! My feet hurt soooo bad from all the walking. It’s not like I saw lots of new things. I’ve pretty much seen all the interesting parts of Copenhagen several times over ^_^ but we did walk down to Christiania, the little ‘world of its own.’ Interesting. That’s about all I can say. Our Danish teacher made sure no one was tempted to buy hash cakes, so don’t worry =P

The day after I went to Copenhagen it was MOVING DAY!!! That’s right, I was switching to my second family =) I was terribly nervous, but I somehow managed to pack most of my stuff the night before, only saving a few things for the next day, Sunday. We left the house around noon, and we packed all 9 bags of mine into the car and set off. Yes, I had NINE bags to take to my new house. 1 suit case, 1 book bag, 1 messenger bag, and 6 plastic bags from the store…yea I have no idea how I’m going to get home with all this junk! I have no idea how it happened either. I’ve hardly bought anything at all…anyway, so we got to my new house which is approx. 5 km away. =P yea, a GREAT change of scenery. Except I’m actually in a village this time, and not 3 km in the country. That’s ok with me. No more riding my bike in the mornings! I’ve been looking forward to that since September =P so I got all my stuff over to my new house, and both of my families and I had a little coffee and cake, chatted for a little over an hour, then I said goodbye and moved into my new room. It’s a nice cozy room. I really like it. My new family is Klaus, Inge-Magrathe, and a little host sister, Maria who is now 14. They have a son who is 16, but he is in Taiwan right now on his exchange. So I’m living in his room =) I really like this new family. They are great people, and maria and I are practically like sisters right now. It’s good. =)

The following weekend, I had a girlfriend, an exchanger from Illinois, come stay at my house. We went to see the new Harry Potter movie, went shopping, and dyed our hair. It was such a fun weekend. We did a lot of talking and stuff. I miss her. She decided that Denmark was just not her cup of tea, and she left a week later. =( we still talk, but I miss having her here. And I’m really going to miss her at the rotary get togethers.

That’s about all I can remember from November. I hung out with some friends I’m sure. I went out with Stephanie, I’m positive about that one. Haha she’s definitely my best gal here. She’s great and we’ve already made plans to hang out when we get home. Since she just lives in cali and I live super close to cali. It’s great…I don’t think I’m forgetting anything important. I’ll let you know later =P my next entry will be about December!!! So stay tuned =DD I’ll also be posting the latest updates about school, language, and friends soon. Thanks for reading. Thanks for the prayers and support. Love you all.

Kisses and hugs <3

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