Welcome back to the crazy adventure of my life in Danish-land =D I’m glad you’ve returned. Let me tell you a little about what’s been going on this past week! Prepare yourselves.
Monday was the first day back from winter break. I had to wake up at 6 am again -_- and go to school all day. Yea, what a way to return from a vacation. It was a bad way to start the week, really. I always have gym class my first class on Mondays, and we played BASKETBALL. So much fun to be had! No. I hate basketball with a passion. Yes, I played for like 4 years, but I still hate it. Unfortunately I didn’t have a choice of whether or not to participate in gym class. So I just didn’t try very hard. Forget it. The rest of Monday was just really tiring. And boring. If I haven’t told you lately that Danish school could literally kill a person from boredom, well there you go. It’s the truth. I’m actually really surprised I haven’t keeled over yet from lack of stimulation in my brain. It’s not really my fault, either. I don’t really think it’s just because I’m an exchange student and can’t understand. I think it’s just the way it’s set up. 1½ hour long classes, with a five minute break half way is just not cutting it. I personally think that a teacher loses half of the class past the hour mark. It’s a terribly long time for just one class. And the thing is, I don’t feel like they learn or teach anymore in 1½ hours than we do in our 45-55 minute classes back home. Gr face. I just don’t like it. But I have to go every day. And it really gets tiring after awhile….ok, end of my rant. Sorry =P
Tuesday was a lot like Monday. Except I got off early that day at 1.30 =) I can’t exactly remember what I did on Tuesday. But I don’t think it was that important. Like nothing terribly exciting =P o well! If I remember, I’ll let you know ;) ………o! I remember now!!! Something did happen. It was rather funny. Ok, well first of all, I think I should let you all know, that me and that one friend that I was fighting with a few weeks ago, well, we’re talking again now. Not like we used to at all, but we are working on it. And that makes me really happy. I didn’t screw everything up, and this is fixable. We just need some time. Well that’s something that happened on Tuesday. I saw this friend for the first time in 2 weeks and hand a passing-by “hi”. It’s really the strangest feeling in the world to just walk by someone that used to mean so much to your life. It’s hard to just accept a “hello” when normally we would have stopped to hug and talk. It’s weird to see how far apart we’ve been torn…anywayz, no more of THAT topic. Another thing that happened was that me and Steph had lunch together. =) I saw her on Monday for the first time in a week and it felt really nice. I missed her tons. So we had lunch again on Tuesday. While we were eating I was telling her about this person that I met at a party a few days ago and I told her how I haven’t seen him in person since. And she said it would be just my luck that I see him when I look a mess. =P well, SPEAK OF THE DEVIL AND HE SHALL APPEAR! Yes -_- this guy I met at the party, the little one! Like 5’3”, walked by just minutes after that. I acted like a spaz of course. And it was awfully awkward, but I lived =P we’re still talking now, so I didn’t screw it up too badly in that ‘first meeting’. ^_^ I just think it’s funny how those things always happen to me. I have horrible luck, people. I’m not sure if you’re aware =P
Ok, Wednesday. Wednesday was…horrible. Sometimes, you have days on exchange that you’re just unable to deal with. Days where you’d rather be anywhere else. Days that leave you feeling with that “why did I come here?” thought. Wednesday was this day for me. It started off badly with a boring class in the morning. And I wasn’t the only one that thought it was a bad class, everyone else did too. We watched a documentary about a guy. For 1½ hours. BORING. And then my best friends in my class were acting very distant that day. I can always tell how the day will be depending on the first class. If they are really sociable in the first class, then my class will talk to me all day. But if some people are distant, then it’s going to be a struggle to get them to talk the rest of the day. It’s ok really, I’ve learned how to deal with this. But on Wednesday I just wasn’t able to. My second class was just as boring, but a little better. Some people talked to me then. And then there was lunch! Steph came over and said hi and we talked for a little bit and I told her I was having a bad day. We decided to skip my last class of the day and head to her house early. (we were already planning on going to her house, but the skipping early part was new) and then I headed to my date with doom in my third class of the day. Have you ever noticed how some people are put in your life to make it a living hell? Well I’ve noticed this. And I’ve never had to deal with a person like this until I came to Denmark. There is a person in my class that gets some kind of sick pleasure out of tormenting me. And I don’t understand it. It’s not the Danish humor, it’s just plain mean and bullying. Well in my 3rd class this person decided it would be a lot of fun to make fun of me and tease me, and guys, I have a really thick skin. But he was purposely trying to humiliate me in front of my whole class! He acts like a child, but yet he expects me to treat him right when he can do nothing right by me. I try to make it look like it doesn’t bother me, but I sat in the back of my class on Wednesday in near tears because of it. I’ve never had to deal with a person who purposely tried to hurt me before. I’d never hurt someone on purpose. But like I said, he gets some kind of sick pleasure from it I guess. WELL! A few friends tried to cheer me up, but all I really wanted was to skip out. And that I did. As soon as class was over Stephanie and I hooked up and walked to her house. (she moved into town!! And super close to the mall! Lucky) I got to meet her new family =) they are very sweet. Then she and I headed to McDonalds to eat. I hadn’t eaten there in like 4 months, so I was craving pretty badly. But of course, in normal McD’s fashion, I felt disgusting afterwards =P then we headed to the mall because I had to buy a cake for my Spanish class in the morning. (I didn’t have my books covered on time, and in true Danish fashion, the penalty was cake haha) so we bought the cake then headed back to stephanie’s house and my host dad picked us both up and we headed to a basketball game! It was a lot of fun. My team won, so that’s always a great thing. And it was just a good time to relax and unwind from the bad day. It started off horrible. But it ended great. I stayed up until like 1 in the morning talking to a friend ;) so I really can’t complain after that.
Thursday I had volleyball. What a work out! It’s funny how not playing for just 2 weeks can really ruin everything. But it felt nice. It always feels nice to play and work out. After that I just went home and ate dinner and crashed. I was so beat and exhausted.
Friday was just another day =) I had to go to Maria’s school (my little host sister) and give a presentation about USA to her 7th grade class. Yay! Haha yea, not really. But I’m more than happy to do it. The thing that I didn’t like was that I had made plans with a friend for lunch, and then I had to bail unexpectedly. Not cool. I felt really bad. But there are always more plans to be had! So I went to her class. And you can definitely tell the age of these kids by their actions. Dear Lord, I never want to be 13 again. If I was like that when I was 13, I’m terribly sorry =P crazy kids. I tell ya. But it was fun all in all…that night I was a cool kid and stayed home =P staying home, on a Friday night, with the ‘rents, watching tv. Wow, I am a cool kid hahaha.
Saturday I made plans with Stephanie to go to another basketball game =) but here’s the catch! A group of girls in my class invited me to dinner that night. Then my best guy friend from my class invited me to a party at his house that night! CRAZY!!!! It’s like, when I don’t have plans already, nothing comes up. But the one night I have plans with my best friend, EVERYONE and their brother wants to freaking hang out! So inconvenient =(( so me and steph went to the basketball game. Then I went to the dinner, which was a toga party (well, pretty much) by the way, and then I went back to sleep at steph’s house. We opted to not go to the party at my friend’s house, even though it would have been nice. It was just not possible. But I had a nice dinner with the girls in my class. It was greek themed. So we all had to wear the white greek-ish dressed. Like a toga pretty much. And we ate some greek-ish food. And danced and “hygged” together. It was so nice. I don’t know if I’ve said this lately, but I love the girls in my class to death. They are some of the sweetest girls. I’m not ‘best friends’ with some of them, but we all still get along so well. I’m going to miss them so much when I leave. I just know part of me is going to die =’( I’m not looking forward to that. So since I’m not looking forward to it, how about we just not talk about it =) I left the house at like 9 at night and caught a bus to stephanie’s house. It was good. We had a good night together. We stayed up and read and watched a movie, but we both passed about before midnight. We’re so hardcore =P I love us.
And now, today is Sunday! Just a relaxing day. O, I got a package from home the other day, and I got some candy and the movie ‘the time traveler’s wife’. This is a great movie. I sobbed when I saw it in theaters. I might watch that today while I eat my candy. Haha but other than that, I have nothing going on. O, also, stephanie’s new host mom is a hair dresser. And she permed steph’s hair today and gave mine a clip and some style =D it’s great. I love it! Anywayz, haha I’m going to go now. Sorry this was so long, but I guess a lot happened this week. Love you guys. I come home in about 3½ months maybe. I’m looking at the middle of june. Keep writing to me. Send your love. O, and check out my photo-site for pictures of my greek night =D love you all! http://ayearindenmark.shutterfly.com/
Rebekah <3
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Winter Break...Houston, We Have a Probelm
This past week was winter break =D it’s been an awesome week really. It was so nice to be free from school for a little while. Very relaxing. So let me tell you what I’ve been up to =D
On Monday, I hung out with my classmate, Phillip. We were planning on working out together (I’ve really got to lose this flub-thing) so we planned on working out outside because I didn’t want to pay an arm and a leg for the gym =P so I took the bus into town. Problem. we both realized that it was FREEZING outside. Not the best for anything. So we ditched the whole working out plan and just went back to his house for a bit to hang. Now people, don’t get any funny ideas. He’s my friend and he’s got a girlfriend ^_^ but it was fun to talk a lot. And after awhile we decided to just go into town because he had some errands to run, so we got all that done =) then I headed home about 5 I think? I don’t remember. But this was the start of my excellent vacation!
On Tuesday I met with one of our 2 ‘newbies’. She’s from Costa Rica, and her name is Alex. She is such a sweet girl. I met her at the school then we walked to town and enjoyed a nice hot chocolate together =D we did a lot of talking. Just about my experiences so far and how she’s doing in her first weeks here. Great stuff really. So then after we finished our hot chocolate I decided to take her to the mall since she hadn’t been there yet. So we hopped on the bus and off we went! We did some shopping at my favorite store H&M. I didn’t find anything that fit me right or that I liked. But alex bought a skirt and shirt. She’s just the sweetest girl. I feel like a big sister in a way because I was her just a few months ago, you know? But anywayz, I hope to be hanging out with her some more soon. After the mall I took her back to the school so she wouldn’t get lost. Problem. I got us on the wrong bus, so we had to jump off really fast and run to catch the right bus. Haha so much for trying to not get her lost =P then I headed home =)
Wednesday! I had plans for Wednesday to go into town with some friends =) so that I did! We planned to go to one of the clubs in Næstved that was having one of their special parties for 16+ kids. Normally you need to be 18 to get in, but since it was during the winter break it was a special thing. So I had to hop on the bus at night to head into town. I do NOT relish taking the busses at night. Freakiest thing in the world. I mean, I know I’m safe and all, but still, I’m a young lady alone, things spook me. But I made it to town safely =) the only problem was that I had to wait at the bus station alone for a little bit while my friends came to get me. SCARIEST THING EVER. I was outside, alone, freezing my butt off. And there were sporadic groups of people that I was sure were going to jump me at any time =P but hey, I eventually made it safely to the club with my friends. It was a good night. We danced and had a lot of fun. I met some new people which is always a good thing. O, and I called the bartender sexy…in hindsight, I think that was still a great choice =P so then the end of my night came at around 2 because that’s when my host dad was coming to pick me up. So I went out to the front of the club to retrieve my checked coat. Problem. I didn’t have my check in number. Somehow during the night, my number must have fallen out of my little bag that I had with me. So I was in trouble. No number, no coat. Yea. Guys, I am an idiot. I think I’ve proven this one before =P so I had to walk out of the club with no winter coat and explain to my host dad what happened. I said I’ll just have to come back tomorrow to get it.
So I stayed in all morning on Thursday and then I looked online to see when I could get my coat. Problem. It said I can only get my coat when the club was open. Which is every Friday and Saturday at 11 at night. Wow. So I had to wait ANOTHER day to get my WINTER coat. I could freeze to death!!! So yea, I stayed inside all day Thursday and hung out, watched some movies. It was a cozy day.
On Friday I had to go into town to buy some food to make dinner. Problem. Didn’t have my winter coat yet, so I put on my thickest hoodie and braved the cold winter air. Haha it wasn’t too bad, but it was definitely cold. So I went to the store and the library. I actually went to the library first and THEN the store, but you know, it doesn’t really matter. I got 4 new books =D and I made some amazing macaroni and cheese that night. Like to die for mac ‘n’ cheese. I’m amazing, what can I say =D haha just kidding. So then that night me and my host dad headed out to get my coat back at 11 at night. I was able to successfully retrieve it! =D so that made me really happy.
On Saturday I was just planning to stay home again and relax. But at about 8 at night I got a text from one of my friends asking when we were going to town tonight..wait, what? We’re going to town tonight?? Yea, I had no clue what was going on, so we talked a little and he thought that he had already talked to me about going to town, and so then I decided that I really wanted to go out. I hate admitting it, but I’m not often invited out to such things, so I don’t want to pass up any opportunity that’s given to me. So I went down stairs and asked my host parents if it was ok that I go out that night. Problem. They could neither take me to town (I live 30 minutes away by bus, 15 by car), nor could they pick me up later. But we managed to compromise that if I could sleep at a friend’s house then it was ok. So I told my friend and we found a place for me to sleep the night =) then I got ready and headed into town by bus, alone and cold, at 10.30 at night. Scary scary scary. ^_^ it wasn’t that bad this time around because my friend Jonas arrived a few minutes after I did and we got on a bus and headed out. He decided that we were going to go to his friend’s private party instead of going to town. That was ok with me =) I met a bunch of people that night and had a lot of fun. I just love being social with Danish people. O and I met this boy, and he’s MY SIZE!!! Like literally my size! The most adorable guy ever! Seriously, cute.as.a.button! hahaha I should explain, it’s not often I find anyone, boy or girl, in my size in Denmark. Here they are all pretty much giants. =P not even joking about that one. For a guy, 6 ft is average, maybe even a little below average. And for a girl the average is at least 5 ft 8. I’m super small here. And some people love pointing it out ^_^ but anywayz, yea haha great night. Great party. I went home with a friend and stayed at their house for the night. I think we got in sometime after 4? No idea. I just went to bed right away and slept =P I woke up at noon and got on a bus and headed home the next day =D
And now, school has started again -_- yea, great. I will be posting soon on how things are going here. With friends. With family. With school. With Danish. So stay tuned my faithful readers =D thanks for everything! Questions are always welcome <3
Knus og kys,
On Monday, I hung out with my classmate, Phillip. We were planning on working out together (I’ve really got to lose this flub-thing) so we planned on working out outside because I didn’t want to pay an arm and a leg for the gym =P so I took the bus into town. Problem. we both realized that it was FREEZING outside. Not the best for anything. So we ditched the whole working out plan and just went back to his house for a bit to hang. Now people, don’t get any funny ideas. He’s my friend and he’s got a girlfriend ^_^ but it was fun to talk a lot. And after awhile we decided to just go into town because he had some errands to run, so we got all that done =) then I headed home about 5 I think? I don’t remember. But this was the start of my excellent vacation!
On Tuesday I met with one of our 2 ‘newbies’. She’s from Costa Rica, and her name is Alex. She is such a sweet girl. I met her at the school then we walked to town and enjoyed a nice hot chocolate together =D we did a lot of talking. Just about my experiences so far and how she’s doing in her first weeks here. Great stuff really. So then after we finished our hot chocolate I decided to take her to the mall since she hadn’t been there yet. So we hopped on the bus and off we went! We did some shopping at my favorite store H&M. I didn’t find anything that fit me right or that I liked. But alex bought a skirt and shirt. She’s just the sweetest girl. I feel like a big sister in a way because I was her just a few months ago, you know? But anywayz, I hope to be hanging out with her some more soon. After the mall I took her back to the school so she wouldn’t get lost. Problem. I got us on the wrong bus, so we had to jump off really fast and run to catch the right bus. Haha so much for trying to not get her lost =P then I headed home =)
Wednesday! I had plans for Wednesday to go into town with some friends =) so that I did! We planned to go to one of the clubs in Næstved that was having one of their special parties for 16+ kids. Normally you need to be 18 to get in, but since it was during the winter break it was a special thing. So I had to hop on the bus at night to head into town. I do NOT relish taking the busses at night. Freakiest thing in the world. I mean, I know I’m safe and all, but still, I’m a young lady alone, things spook me. But I made it to town safely =) the only problem was that I had to wait at the bus station alone for a little bit while my friends came to get me. SCARIEST THING EVER. I was outside, alone, freezing my butt off. And there were sporadic groups of people that I was sure were going to jump me at any time =P but hey, I eventually made it safely to the club with my friends. It was a good night. We danced and had a lot of fun. I met some new people which is always a good thing. O, and I called the bartender sexy…in hindsight, I think that was still a great choice =P so then the end of my night came at around 2 because that’s when my host dad was coming to pick me up. So I went out to the front of the club to retrieve my checked coat. Problem. I didn’t have my check in number. Somehow during the night, my number must have fallen out of my little bag that I had with me. So I was in trouble. No number, no coat. Yea. Guys, I am an idiot. I think I’ve proven this one before =P so I had to walk out of the club with no winter coat and explain to my host dad what happened. I said I’ll just have to come back tomorrow to get it.
So I stayed in all morning on Thursday and then I looked online to see when I could get my coat. Problem. It said I can only get my coat when the club was open. Which is every Friday and Saturday at 11 at night. Wow. So I had to wait ANOTHER day to get my WINTER coat. I could freeze to death!!! So yea, I stayed inside all day Thursday and hung out, watched some movies. It was a cozy day.
On Friday I had to go into town to buy some food to make dinner. Problem. Didn’t have my winter coat yet, so I put on my thickest hoodie and braved the cold winter air. Haha it wasn’t too bad, but it was definitely cold. So I went to the store and the library. I actually went to the library first and THEN the store, but you know, it doesn’t really matter. I got 4 new books =D and I made some amazing macaroni and cheese that night. Like to die for mac ‘n’ cheese. I’m amazing, what can I say =D haha just kidding. So then that night me and my host dad headed out to get my coat back at 11 at night. I was able to successfully retrieve it! =D so that made me really happy.
On Saturday I was just planning to stay home again and relax. But at about 8 at night I got a text from one of my friends asking when we were going to town tonight..wait, what? We’re going to town tonight?? Yea, I had no clue what was going on, so we talked a little and he thought that he had already talked to me about going to town, and so then I decided that I really wanted to go out. I hate admitting it, but I’m not often invited out to such things, so I don’t want to pass up any opportunity that’s given to me. So I went down stairs and asked my host parents if it was ok that I go out that night. Problem. They could neither take me to town (I live 30 minutes away by bus, 15 by car), nor could they pick me up later. But we managed to compromise that if I could sleep at a friend’s house then it was ok. So I told my friend and we found a place for me to sleep the night =) then I got ready and headed into town by bus, alone and cold, at 10.30 at night. Scary scary scary. ^_^ it wasn’t that bad this time around because my friend Jonas arrived a few minutes after I did and we got on a bus and headed out. He decided that we were going to go to his friend’s private party instead of going to town. That was ok with me =) I met a bunch of people that night and had a lot of fun. I just love being social with Danish people. O and I met this boy, and he’s MY SIZE!!! Like literally my size! The most adorable guy ever! Seriously, cute.as.a.button! hahaha I should explain, it’s not often I find anyone, boy or girl, in my size in Denmark. Here they are all pretty much giants. =P not even joking about that one. For a guy, 6 ft is average, maybe even a little below average. And for a girl the average is at least 5 ft 8. I’m super small here. And some people love pointing it out ^_^ but anywayz, yea haha great night. Great party. I went home with a friend and stayed at their house for the night. I think we got in sometime after 4? No idea. I just went to bed right away and slept =P I woke up at noon and got on a bus and headed home the next day =D
And now, school has started again -_- yea, great. I will be posting soon on how things are going here. With friends. With family. With school. With Danish. So stay tuned my faithful readers =D thanks for everything! Questions are always welcome <3
Knus og kys,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
wow i really am dumb! i forgot to tell you all about something great that happened!
the week of the school party, you know? yea. well on that thursday was chinese new years! and stephanie is part asian so she celebrates this and wanted me to come over that night. so i came over to her house after my volleyball games. her parents had to pick me up because the bus drivers went on strike =O yea, i didn't know they could do that either! but anywayz, so i went to steph's house, and she graciously let me nap for like an hour. and then she woke me up before she had to go down stairs so start making the food. !!! o yea, i forgot to mention that she was cooking traditional chinese food for us all that night =D 2 of her classmates came over too. she made coconut and warm bananas 'soup'? and rice soup. and fried rice and pork. and flan for dessert! my little girl is growing up! haha yes, it all tasted just great! i was really proud of her. no one got food poisoning from undercooked pork =P i was pretty worried about this. her friends went how at about 9? i think? maybe...and anywayz, then i went and showered. steph told me that it would take awhile for the water to warm up...right, that's cool. except for the fact that it WAS FREEZING THE ENTIRE TIME!! yes, her house has no hot water. it was less than amazing. steph is not having a party with it either i hear haha but then after that horrid experience, i went back to her room and finished my super huge assigment for school that the scary teacher was all making us write. it was 5-7 pages and the subject depended on the class. mine was global warming and how amazing al gore is...great. i am not a fan of al gore by the way, so you can imagine how fun that paper was to write! but i had worked on most of it the rest of the week and i was so proud of myself! i only left a few paragraphs to finish up taht night before i turned it in the next day =D so i finished that up pretty fast and gave the computer back to steph, believe it or not, she had only begun her assigment THAT DAY =OO she had been pretty ill the past week+ yea, and her project was a lot less fun than mine. ew. so i promised her that i'd stay up with her while she finished. well the clock struck 2 and i begged her to let me sleep hahaha. i woke up the next morning and she had just finished. needless to say, steph stayed home that friday. i went to school in the pouring rain just so i could turn the this darn assigment! i saw no point in actually doing it. pretty upset about that one actually.. >=( but it's water under the bridge. i also had a doozy of a time actually locating my file that i saved too. it was great. lots of panic. lots of stress. i'm not even getting graded for this, people!!!!!!!!!!!! wow, it's like high school all over again. ugh. haha but that night was the party, so it was good =D
and now that i've told you about that important detail that i forgot, i will go now =D
the week of the school party, you know? yea. well on that thursday was chinese new years! and stephanie is part asian so she celebrates this and wanted me to come over that night. so i came over to her house after my volleyball games. her parents had to pick me up because the bus drivers went on strike =O yea, i didn't know they could do that either! but anywayz, so i went to steph's house, and she graciously let me nap for like an hour. and then she woke me up before she had to go down stairs so start making the food. !!! o yea, i forgot to mention that she was cooking traditional chinese food for us all that night =D 2 of her classmates came over too. she made coconut and warm bananas 'soup'? and rice soup. and fried rice and pork. and flan for dessert! my little girl is growing up! haha yes, it all tasted just great! i was really proud of her. no one got food poisoning from undercooked pork =P i was pretty worried about this. her friends went how at about 9? i think? maybe...and anywayz, then i went and showered. steph told me that it would take awhile for the water to warm up...right, that's cool. except for the fact that it WAS FREEZING THE ENTIRE TIME!! yes, her house has no hot water. it was less than amazing. steph is not having a party with it either i hear haha but then after that horrid experience, i went back to her room and finished my super huge assigment for school that the scary teacher was all making us write. it was 5-7 pages and the subject depended on the class. mine was global warming and how amazing al gore is...great. i am not a fan of al gore by the way, so you can imagine how fun that paper was to write! but i had worked on most of it the rest of the week and i was so proud of myself! i only left a few paragraphs to finish up taht night before i turned it in the next day =D so i finished that up pretty fast and gave the computer back to steph, believe it or not, she had only begun her assigment THAT DAY =OO she had been pretty ill the past week+ yea, and her project was a lot less fun than mine. ew. so i promised her that i'd stay up with her while she finished. well the clock struck 2 and i begged her to let me sleep hahaha. i woke up the next morning and she had just finished. needless to say, steph stayed home that friday. i went to school in the pouring rain just so i could turn the this darn assigment! i saw no point in actually doing it. pretty upset about that one actually.. >=( but it's water under the bridge. i also had a doozy of a time actually locating my file that i saved too. it was great. lots of panic. lots of stress. i'm not even getting graded for this, people!!!!!!!!!!!! wow, it's like high school all over again. ugh. haha but that night was the party, so it was good =D
and now that i've told you about that important detail that i forgot, i will go now =D
Oh, By the Way...
So i know it’s been a few weeks, again. My bad! Haha but here it goes. Catch up, AGAIN!
So the week after my last post, I had a really good week. I went to Rotary and had a nice conversation with my first host dad in Danish. I think that was the most we’ve ever felt comfortable enough saying to each other. So it was kind of weird. I wish we had talked like that when I actually lived there, but better late than never, right? =) so then the rest of the week kid of flew by pretty much. That weekend, the last weekend in January, I had my 18th birthday party, finally! =) see, I couldn’t have it during the month of December because it was just way too busy, so I decided to wait. I had some girls from my class over and Stephanie. The other exchange girls couldn’t come because the girl from France was having a special dinner which they were invited to as well. So they went to the dinner and I had my close classmates over. It was really nice. We were 6 in all because a few called at the last minute and said they were sick. =( but it was still really fun. We ate pancakes with ice cream and watched some movies. Very hyggelig guys! And that was the end of my week =D o, I should also mention how dumb of a person I am…yea. I really am, and if you know me, you’ll agree! I say this because of this: my parents have been telling me for awhile now that I need to buy some knee pads if I’m going to continue to play volleyball at the school. So knowing that a game was coming up the following week, I went into town on Friday and found some in the second sports store I checked and bought them. They were pretty cheap too, so I was really happy =) after that, I had to go to the supermarket to buy some things so I could make dinner that night. I picked up the foods I needed and went and checked out. Now, here in denmark you have to bag your own things at stores that aren’t department stores. So I was bagging up my groceries and I picked them up and I noticed a white bag sitting on the counter. I literally thought this to myself “aw, some poor sucker forgot their bag. I shouldn’t look into it, it would be rude.” And I left the store… -_- yes, I think you can all see where this is going! That night as me and my family were watching a handball match and here is my exact line of thought: I was thinking that it must really hurt to fall on their knees so much. They should really wear some knee pads. I’m so happy I bought some knee pads today at the store. Jee, I wonder where I put them? O.MY.GOODNESS I LEFT THEM AT THE STORE!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I did it. That ‘poor sucker’ was me. Needless to say, I felt like junk the rest of the night. My only option that I settled on was to go back to the store on Monday and ask if they found them. And then Saturday my girlfriends came over =)
The next week was also very good. I was looking forward to the big school party on Friday all week! So I got through all of school, which was hard, and made it =) I started off my week by going to that store on Monday and seeing if they found my knee pads. I just had this horrible feeling the whole day that they wouldn’t have them and I’d be out good money. So I went in and stood in line and asked the lady, in danish mind you, if anyone had found my bag. She then proceded to lay it on the counter! I’ve never been so happy in my life! Like seriously. After I left the store I walked over to my bus stop and literally made it just in time. Monday was the best day ever. Epic wins on so many levels =D the rest of the week is rather dull compared to that though haha on Thursday I had my first, and probably only, volleyball game with Næstved Gym. We were exactly 6 girls and we went with our boys’ team and played at this tournament at another school in the city. It was so much fun. I love playing volleyball <3 we played against 4 teams. And all of them but one were very inexperienced. We beat all of them except that one team. I would love a rematch! And then Friday rolled around! Finally!!!!!! Fiday school was blah, but then Friday night, the school came alive. We all met up at my one friend’s house and ate some pizza before taking a taxi to the school. There was some famous dj that was playing for us I guess? No idea. His name is morten breum. Look him up if you want. But it was just a killer party. Same as the last school party: everyone was completely hammered. I’ve been in denmark for 6 months now, part of you gets used to this, but the other part is still like ‘and the school is really ok with this?’ =P I’m so american. But anywayz, all in all, it was a super fun time. I had fun with all my friends <3
The week after that was really boring. On Monday I didn’t go to school because I gave a presentation about USA at my host dad’s school. It went well. I hadn’t even left the school yet and I was receiving facebook requests. That means they liked me, right? =P on Tuesday I had only one class at school, and in all honesty, I should have just skipped. That was such a bad day of school. I hadn’t had one like that in awhile. Just a horrible day. Ugh! I hate thinking about it. But it was. The day after that though, that was a just plain awesome day. It evened out all the junk that had happened the day before. I had some really great conversations with a few friends and, I don’t know, it just felt like an amazing day. It was one of those days where it hit me of how happy I am in denmark. I was riding the bus to school and just looking out the window thinking about life and I was thinking about all the junk I should fix in my life and how happy I was to live here. Really, Wednesday was an awesome day. I need more of those =D nothing on Thursday happened. But on Friday I had an absolute horrible day again. I don’t want to go into details, but me and one of my good friends had an argument at the party on the last Friday, and it was all just coming to a head on this Friday. It really was all my fault, I instigated it all. But it still felt horrible. We decided we weren’t going to see each other for a bit to ‘cool down’ and ‘get over’ what happened. =( yea that was really hard to hear, but it’s gotta happen. I hope that I didn’t screw everything up and ruin a 6 month growing friendship in just a matter of hours. And then another friend decided to bail on going to town with me for an hour or so. And then I was almost stranded at the bus station after coming back into town that night…so yea, like I said, Friday was bad =P but Friday night was good! Well, I mean, AFTER I was able to be picked up from the bus station by poliana’s nice host gpa. I had forgotten to bring money with me to take the bus to another girl’s house because I don’t need money to get from my house to the city, I just show a card. So I was scared and tempted to beg for money for a bit, but then I got picked up! So it was good =D so! me and the other exchange girls from the school got together and linda’s house. Linda is from germany. Steph couldn’t come to this one because she left for the week to go to london. And one of the 2 new girls we got couldn’t come because no one knew how to reach her to invite her =P so it was 6 of us! Ruby- new zealand, Apolline- france, Linda- germany, Poliana- brazil, me, and Beckie- new girl from new zealand. It was tons of fun. I love those girls with my whole heart. Going to miss them so much =’( I made some amazing homemade brownies for this night. And by amazing, I mean AH-mazing. Haha and we just hung out and ‘hygged’ and watched some movies. It was great. We are planning to do more of those. =D
And now, this week, I have no school because it is winter break =D I am missing my best friend stephanie because she is in london this week with her mom. I hope she’s having fun. I will be posting a new blog post about all the things I do this week later =) so this one is so long =P lots to say! Questions and comments people. You know I’ll answer you <3 and keep up with my shutterfly site if you’re not on facebook. http://ayearindenmark.shutterfly.com/ Lots of fun things to see there =D
Much love!
So the week after my last post, I had a really good week. I went to Rotary and had a nice conversation with my first host dad in Danish. I think that was the most we’ve ever felt comfortable enough saying to each other. So it was kind of weird. I wish we had talked like that when I actually lived there, but better late than never, right? =) so then the rest of the week kid of flew by pretty much. That weekend, the last weekend in January, I had my 18th birthday party, finally! =) see, I couldn’t have it during the month of December because it was just way too busy, so I decided to wait. I had some girls from my class over and Stephanie. The other exchange girls couldn’t come because the girl from France was having a special dinner which they were invited to as well. So they went to the dinner and I had my close classmates over. It was really nice. We were 6 in all because a few called at the last minute and said they were sick. =( but it was still really fun. We ate pancakes with ice cream and watched some movies. Very hyggelig guys! And that was the end of my week =D o, I should also mention how dumb of a person I am…yea. I really am, and if you know me, you’ll agree! I say this because of this: my parents have been telling me for awhile now that I need to buy some knee pads if I’m going to continue to play volleyball at the school. So knowing that a game was coming up the following week, I went into town on Friday and found some in the second sports store I checked and bought them. They were pretty cheap too, so I was really happy =) after that, I had to go to the supermarket to buy some things so I could make dinner that night. I picked up the foods I needed and went and checked out. Now, here in denmark you have to bag your own things at stores that aren’t department stores. So I was bagging up my groceries and I picked them up and I noticed a white bag sitting on the counter. I literally thought this to myself “aw, some poor sucker forgot their bag. I shouldn’t look into it, it would be rude.” And I left the store… -_- yes, I think you can all see where this is going! That night as me and my family were watching a handball match and here is my exact line of thought: I was thinking that it must really hurt to fall on their knees so much. They should really wear some knee pads. I’m so happy I bought some knee pads today at the store. Jee, I wonder where I put them? O.MY.GOODNESS I LEFT THEM AT THE STORE!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I did it. That ‘poor sucker’ was me. Needless to say, I felt like junk the rest of the night. My only option that I settled on was to go back to the store on Monday and ask if they found them. And then Saturday my girlfriends came over =)
The next week was also very good. I was looking forward to the big school party on Friday all week! So I got through all of school, which was hard, and made it =) I started off my week by going to that store on Monday and seeing if they found my knee pads. I just had this horrible feeling the whole day that they wouldn’t have them and I’d be out good money. So I went in and stood in line and asked the lady, in danish mind you, if anyone had found my bag. She then proceded to lay it on the counter! I’ve never been so happy in my life! Like seriously. After I left the store I walked over to my bus stop and literally made it just in time. Monday was the best day ever. Epic wins on so many levels =D the rest of the week is rather dull compared to that though haha on Thursday I had my first, and probably only, volleyball game with Næstved Gym. We were exactly 6 girls and we went with our boys’ team and played at this tournament at another school in the city. It was so much fun. I love playing volleyball <3 we played against 4 teams. And all of them but one were very inexperienced. We beat all of them except that one team. I would love a rematch! And then Friday rolled around! Finally!!!!!! Fiday school was blah, but then Friday night, the school came alive. We all met up at my one friend’s house and ate some pizza before taking a taxi to the school. There was some famous dj that was playing for us I guess? No idea. His name is morten breum. Look him up if you want. But it was just a killer party. Same as the last school party: everyone was completely hammered. I’ve been in denmark for 6 months now, part of you gets used to this, but the other part is still like ‘and the school is really ok with this?’ =P I’m so american. But anywayz, all in all, it was a super fun time. I had fun with all my friends <3
The week after that was really boring. On Monday I didn’t go to school because I gave a presentation about USA at my host dad’s school. It went well. I hadn’t even left the school yet and I was receiving facebook requests. That means they liked me, right? =P on Tuesday I had only one class at school, and in all honesty, I should have just skipped. That was such a bad day of school. I hadn’t had one like that in awhile. Just a horrible day. Ugh! I hate thinking about it. But it was. The day after that though, that was a just plain awesome day. It evened out all the junk that had happened the day before. I had some really great conversations with a few friends and, I don’t know, it just felt like an amazing day. It was one of those days where it hit me of how happy I am in denmark. I was riding the bus to school and just looking out the window thinking about life and I was thinking about all the junk I should fix in my life and how happy I was to live here. Really, Wednesday was an awesome day. I need more of those =D nothing on Thursday happened. But on Friday I had an absolute horrible day again. I don’t want to go into details, but me and one of my good friends had an argument at the party on the last Friday, and it was all just coming to a head on this Friday. It really was all my fault, I instigated it all. But it still felt horrible. We decided we weren’t going to see each other for a bit to ‘cool down’ and ‘get over’ what happened. =( yea that was really hard to hear, but it’s gotta happen. I hope that I didn’t screw everything up and ruin a 6 month growing friendship in just a matter of hours. And then another friend decided to bail on going to town with me for an hour or so. And then I was almost stranded at the bus station after coming back into town that night…so yea, like I said, Friday was bad =P but Friday night was good! Well, I mean, AFTER I was able to be picked up from the bus station by poliana’s nice host gpa. I had forgotten to bring money with me to take the bus to another girl’s house because I don’t need money to get from my house to the city, I just show a card. So I was scared and tempted to beg for money for a bit, but then I got picked up! So it was good =D so! me and the other exchange girls from the school got together and linda’s house. Linda is from germany. Steph couldn’t come to this one because she left for the week to go to london. And one of the 2 new girls we got couldn’t come because no one knew how to reach her to invite her =P so it was 6 of us! Ruby- new zealand, Apolline- france, Linda- germany, Poliana- brazil, me, and Beckie- new girl from new zealand. It was tons of fun. I love those girls with my whole heart. Going to miss them so much =’( I made some amazing homemade brownies for this night. And by amazing, I mean AH-mazing. Haha and we just hung out and ‘hygged’ and watched some movies. It was great. We are planning to do more of those. =D
And now, this week, I have no school because it is winter break =D I am missing my best friend stephanie because she is in london this week with her mom. I hope she’s having fun. I will be posting a new blog post about all the things I do this week later =) so this one is so long =P lots to say! Questions and comments people. You know I’ll answer you <3 and keep up with my shutterfly site if you’re not on facebook. http://ayearindenmark.shutterfly.com/ Lots of fun things to see there =D
Much love!
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