Tuesday, January 29, 2013


You know what I find disgusting? People who break up other people's families. You know who you are. You're a hoe-bag, white trash, piece of garbage if you have ever broken up someone's family because of an indiscretion that you started.

You make me sick. And angry. Who ARE YOU to do something like that? Who ARE YOU to be so selfish as to wedge yourself into the midst of another's family and pretend that you belong.

News flash. You DON'T belong. You never will. Even if the others can't see you for what you are and accept you in your new role. I know what you are. We all know what you are.

You are disgusting. You are pathetic. You couldn't keep your own family together, and now you've taken over and ruined another. Shame on you.

I like to think that there is a special circle of hell for people like you. You both. Because let's be honest here. It takes two to tango. You should both be ashamed.

I hope that one day, you BOTH can look back on your actions with the biggest regret. I hope that one day, you get your comeuppance and suffer like you deserve.

You can play the facade of being perfect. When the fact is this: YOU are not perfect. YOU are a white trash whore that deserves the same to be done to you that you inflicted on others.

But hey, with a new partner with obvious character and integrity, I'm sure that will NEVER happen to you. I'm sure you will live happily ever after on your disgusting bed of lies.

You, and everyone like you, make me sick. You enrage me in ways I never knew were possible. You make me want to slap you silly.

I hate people like you. Most importantly, I HATE YOU.