I am no robot.
I hurt too.
My feelings can get stepped on.
I can't wait to leave this town, this place.
I desire to start anew once again.
I want to leave behind everyone and not turn back.
I want a life with no drama. No regrets. No awful people.
I want to live where no one can find me, unless I choose for it to be.
I love people with my whole heart.
But I also hate ignorance with my whole heart.
How can I love anyone who is full of ignorance.
I don't think I can.
Therefore, do I love no one?
By loving no one, I can never get hurt.
By loving no one, I am never vulnerable.
By loving no one, I can leave and start fresh and not miss anyone.
By loving no one, I cannot get hurt.
Because, I'm no robot afterall.
My heart bleeds just as much as anyone else's.
I'm just better at hiding it than most people.